Title: Utah BLM Stream Monitoring Crew Leads and Technicians Position Type: Full-time, temporary Number Of Positions: 4-6 in total, 2-3 Crew Leads and 2-3 Technicians Work Locations: Based in Salt Lake City, UT. Travel throughout Utah. Pay Rate: Crew leads: $22-24/hr. Technicians: $20-21/hr. Depending on experience and position. $60.00/day per diem & gear reimbursement when traveling beyond base location. Total reimbursement = $395-455/two-week hitch. -Approximate hourly equivalent for crew leads, including per diem, is $26.94-27.69/hr. -Approximate hourly equivalent for technicians, including per diem, is $24.94-25.69/hr. -Health insurance (monthly Premiums paid by CSU), retirement, paid federal holidays, and sick leave provided. Duration: April–August or September 2025 Summary of Positions In partnership with the Utah Bureau of Land Management (BLM), the Colorado Natural Heritage Program...